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Mysticborn Productions

May 25, 2022

Ever Hopeful

Mystic Tales: Season 1 is a 20 episode audio anthology, with amazing original content written by Michael Ignacio Jr. This audio anthology has an amazing cast, great music, and sfx. Many of the ‘shorts’ are connected to other Mysticborn Productions intellectual properties, while others are original and standalone. 


Music and Sound Effects obtained through a subscription through We are allowed to use these stock music and sound effects commercially. 


All of the characters in Mystic Tales: Season 1 are fictional and original, and any likeness or similarity to anyone living, dead, or fictional is purely coincidence. 


Written and produced by Michael Ignacio Jr.


Artwork done by JdSarte


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Gweeda - Mallory Echelmeyer 

Dream Turtle Baby #1/Turtle #1 - Walter Thornburgh

Dream Turtle Baby # 2/ Turtle # 2 - Midori Vieitel 

Dream Turtle Baby #3/Turtle # 3. - Nicolle Zambrano 

Siretasi Named Pao’Mopo - Loganne Digma 

Siretasi Named Twe’yoti -  Gina Moravec

Siretasi Named Ki’ki’liki - Michael Ignacio Jr. 

Maoryu -  Kelsey Jaffer

Iseba - Bonnie Bogovich.



Fairy Tale Female Vocal by Psystein

Don’t let go by Stuart Moore

Sentida by Yagull Music

Hologram by Michael Vignola 

The End is the Beginning by Bzur

In Loving Memory by Marcus Bressler

A moment (From time to time) by Bzur

Season of the Wizard by Scott Lee Cupp